My Dear Friends,
I'm so looking forward to connecting with y'all again this coming Friday to discuss what has become one of my favorite reads so far for the AfroFranco Book Club, Aya de Yopougon (Tome 1).
Check here, for all of the links you might need to join us Friday evening at 8PM Eastern.
Also, if you would like to support this labor of love, here are a few ways you can do that!
Book Club PD Subscription | for $5.99/month you can receive a certificate of participation to present to your districts for potential professional development credit.
AfroFranco Merch | We've got shirts, and mugs and all that! Get your gear and represent!
Virtual Tip Jar | If you'd just like to drop a little something into the virtual tip jar to show a little love, you can do so here.
See y'all on Friday!