Hey y'all,
It's been a minute, but here's hoping everyone is deeply enjoying doing what you do this year, as we steadily creep toward the winter holiday breaks.
I wanted to share and expand a little bit about these current event lessons I've been doing...
Firstly, if you don't know about Le Petit Journal Francophone already, do yourself the biggest favor and go check it out. It is a phenomenal resource for ALL levels, but especially for novice students.
More catered toward Intermediate level students, I have been doing these activities for a while now and am really trying to figure out ways to share the ideas and resources with other teachers. It's not always easy to find current events that are level-appropriate for class. Add to it that the news can often be super depressing and n
egative. So I have been putting together lesson plans that use unmodified articles and videos from French-language news sources where we engage with stories that celebrate Black joy and excellence happening in the Francophone world.
It's SO much fun, it's very much rooted in literacy practices, and it positions students to develop their competency across all major modes of communication, as well as all of the 5 Cs (ACTFL World-Readiness Standards).
I'm making it a goal of mine to start sharing one each week (and then maybe...just maybe, soon doing a Spanish language one too!). In the meantime, I shared this freebie a while back that can give you a bit of an idea as to what it looks like.
I also, as of last night, shared one for this week, that uses a news report on a musical that is currently being performed in Paris that is about Black American history through music.
Check it all out, try it out, let me know how it goes.
And importantly, keep in touch, as there is more on the way!
Thanks so much y'all. Take care.